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Day 3 – 31.10.2009

January 2nd, 2010


Big day today. We woke up around 6 a.m. First thing was to pack everything quickly and to decide what bags we were going to leave in storage at the hostel for the 3 day trip to Otavalo (small mountain village some 3 hours away from Quito where we were going for the Day of the Dead celebrations).

Tudor was very nervous. He remembered last year’s episode in Addis Ababa when we were unable to board a bus because of the chaos at the bus station. I hope history doesn’t repeat itself.

We worried for nothing. It was crowded at the station, indeed, hundreds of people were traveling to Otavalo for the celebrations, but everything was well organized. It went smooth. Ok, I admit, we had a little help from a lady who was also waiting in line, and whose husband worked for a while in Romania. She said that our countries are much alike – mountains, valleys, seaside, delta, and that he loved it.

To read the full story click here.

Pentru varianta in limba Romana dati click aici.

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